RB 36/2008 Share loan agreement by board member

AmRest Holdings N.V. (AmRest) informs that the Company received the notice from the Member of AmRest Management Board, Mr. Henry McGovern, that as a result of share loan transaction of AmRest shares dated 29 May 2008 by and between Mr. Henry McGovern and  Mr.Michael Tseytin, Mr.Henry McGovern obtained rights to 87 900 AmRest shares.

According to share loan agreement in exchange for borrowed shares, Mr. Henry McGovern transfered to Mr. Michael Tseytin the amount of 2,5 million USD. Shares are borrowed until Mr. Michael Tseytin repays his loan.

Transaction was concluded outsider regulated.




Legal Act:

Ustawa o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi z dnia 29 lipca 2005 roku, art. 160, ust. 4.