Correction of RB 24/2010 dated 24 May 2010

The Management Board of AmRest Holdings SE (“AmRest”) informs that error has been found in sec. 10 c) of the agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting in Notice of Convention of an Annual General Meeting of Shareholders stated in RB 24/2010 dated 24 May 2010. The correction is regarding the sentence included in sec. 10 c) of the agenda of the Ordinary General Shareholders Meeting of Regulatory Announcement RB 24/2010:

Old: “Adoption of resolution regarding distribution of the Company’s profits for year 2009.”

New: “Adoption of resolution regarding covering a loss generated in year 2009.”

Remaining part of the RB 24/2010 remains unchanged.

Legal act:
Art. 56 ust. 1 pkt 2 Ustawy o ofercie - informacje bieżące i okresowe