RB 11/2011 Information about subscription for additional shares by WP Holdings VII B.V. in regards to the second tranche of Additional Subscription Shares

The management of AmRest Holdings SE (“AmRest”, “Company”) informs, in regards to RB 19/2010, about subscription by a shareholder WP Holdings VII B.V. on 25th March 2011 for 1 223 590 shares, being the second tranche of the Additional Subscription Shares with the issuance price of PLN 75 per share.

In addition AmRest informs about obtaining, due to the above mentioned issue, a confidential information on 11th March 2011. The company informed KNF (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego, polish regulatory body) using DIA-S Office (information not revealed to the public).

Below the body of DIA-S 2/2011 report dated 11th March 2011:

“The Management of AmRest Holdings SE informs that in regards to RB 19/2010 and the second tranche of the Additional Subscription Shares by WP Holdings VII B.V. about obtaining a confidential information. Releasing the information to the public information might affect the interest of the company.”

Legal act:
Art. 56 Sec. 1.1. Act on public offering and conditions of introducing financial instruments to the organized trading system and on public companies dated July 29th 2005