Significant shareholders

The following table includes all the shareholders who hold stakes at AmRest Holdings SE that may be considered significant, in the sense of Royal Decree 1362/2007, of October 19, and  communicated that fact to the official registers of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) or to the Company itself.

Name of beneficial owner% of shares carrying voting rights% of voting rights through financial instruments% of total voting rights
ARTAL INTERNATIONAL SCA5.177    0    005.177
FCAPITAL DUTCH S.L.67.04700067.047

To view the information on major shareholdings on the website of the National Stock Exchange Commission (CNMV) click here (see section Notification of voting rights and financial instruments). 

Information on major shareholder

FCapital Dutch S.L. is AmRest’s largest shareholder and one of the subsidiaries of Grupo Finaccess. Finaccess first invested in AmRest in 2015 and, subsequently, took part in a tender offer in September 2016, thus becoming the majority shareholder with effective control over the company. Over time, Finaccess has increased its stake in AmRest to its current 67.05%. Finaccess promotes, acquires, and participates in the equity of a great diversity of companies, with a unique vision of being a very long-term shareholder. Finaccess has proven expertise in developing proper frameworks to institutionalize companies and in strengthening corporate governance practices, promoting consistency in the companies’ strategy and creating sustainable businesses. Its senior leadership team has a solid track record in scaling high-quality consumer brands and expanding their presence worldwide. Finaccess contributes its considerable expertise to AmRest—as it does with other investments—by sitting on the company’s Board and actively participating in the decision-making process. It is currently present in Mexico, the US, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.