Q3 2020 AmRest Investors Teleconference - November 12th, 2020 at 4:30 pm (CET)
AmRest Q3 2020 Financial Statement will be published on November 10th, 2020, after the WSE session.
The presentation summarizing AmRest Q3 2020 financial results will be published on AmRest website (https://www.amrest.eu/en/investors/pesentations-for-investors) on November 12th, 2020 before the teleconference.
All interested parties are requested to send the confirmation of the participation at investors.relations@amrest.eu by November 12th, 2020, 13:00 pm (CET)
Pursuant to the technical conditions the number of participants is limited. The teleconference access details will be distributed prior to the teleconference to those who confirmed participation.