RB 18/2018 Registration of the Company’s registered office in Spain
These documents correspond exactly to those sent to the CNMV.
RB 64/2018 Share capital increase through a private placement
RB 63/2018 Resolution of KDPW on a change of the ISIN code and the home deposit
RB 62/2018 Transactions on AmRest shares related to the exercise of stock options plan
RB 61/2018 Application for change of the ISIN code
RB 60/2018 AmRest stock split
RB 59/2018 Resolution of WSE on suspension of trading of AmRest shares in connection with the change of ISIN
RB 58/2018 – Grant of the Tranche F under the Credit Agreement with Bank Pekao S.A., PKO Bank Polski S.A., ING Bank Śląski S.A and Česká spořitelna
RB 55/2018 Early bonds redemption
RB 56/2018 Application for suspension of trading of AmRest shares in connection with the change of ISIN
RB 57/2018 Resolutions of KDPW on increase of the nominal value of AmRest shares and share split