RB 283/2017 Disposal of AmRest shares related to the exercise of stock options plan
In regards to RB 105/2017 dated 27.04.2017 the Management Board of AmRest Holdings SE (“AmRest”, “the Company”) informs that on December 8th, 2017 the Company disposed 79 own shares to entitled participants of the stock options plan. The settlement date of the transaction was December 8th, 2017.
The detailed information regarding the transaction:
1) The price of sold shares: PLN 0.00. The shares were transferred free of charge as a result of exercising 160 options (80 granted at the price of PLN 130.90 and 80 granted at the price of PLN 223.50), that were settled at the intrinsic value in accordance with a settlement method described in p. 7.1 a) of Employee Stock Option Plan Rules adopted by resolution no 3/11/2014 of the Supervisory Board of AmRest Holdings SE of November 20th, 2014.
2) The nominal value: EUR 0.01 for each share,
3) The total number of shares sold by AmRest represents 0.0004% of the Company’s registered capital being 79 votes on the AGM of AmRest,
4) After the transactions AmRest owned 131 368 of its own shares, 131 368 votes on the AGM of AmRest, being 0.6193% in the total number of votes.
Legal act:
§ 5 (1) (6) of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on Current and Periodical Information Submitted by Issuers of Securities and the Requirements for the Recognition as Equivalent of the Information Required under the Laws of Non-Member Countries of 19th February 2009 (Dz.U. 2014 item 133)