RB 280/2017 Purchase of shares for the purposes related to the exercise of stock options plan
Management Board of AmRest Holdings SE (“AmRest”, “the Company”) informs that the Company purchased on December 4th, 2017 241 own shares in order to sell them to entitled participants of the incentive management stock options plan. The settlement date is December 6th, 2017.
The buyback is based on Resolution No. 7 of the Annual General Meeting of AmRest of May 19th, 2015 on the authorization of Company’s Management Board to acquire Company’s own shares and the establishment of a reserve capital for the acquisition of own shares.
The detailed information regarding the transaction:
1) The average price PLN 367.98,
2) The nominal value EUR 0.01 for each share,
3) The acquired shares amount for 0.0011% of the Company’s registered capital being 241 votes on the AGM of AmRest,
4) AmRest owns in total 128 582 of its own shares, 128 582 votes on the AGM of AmRest, being 0.6061% in the total number of votes.
Legal act:
§ 5 (1) (6) of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on Current and Periodical Information Submitted by Issuers of Securities and the Requirements for the Recognition as Equivalent of the Information Required under the Laws of Non-Member Countries of 19th February 2009 (Dz.U. 2014 item 133)