RB 4/2011 Sales revenues in the fourth quarter 2010

The Management Board of AmRest Holdings SE (“AmRest”) informs that the preliminary sales revenues generated by the AmRest Group in the fourth quarter of 2010 amounted to PLN 513.3 million, which is a 5.9% increase compared to the corresponding period of 2009. In the fourth quarter of 2009 the sales revenues reached PLN 484.7 million.

Revenues increase results mostly from good sales results in the local currencies a 5.4% increase. Additional factor influencing sales results in a positive way, was weakening of the Polish zloty versus US dollar. US sales dynamics was 9.8% in PLN and 6.3% in USD. Revenues in Europe increased by 4.2% in PLN and 5.0% in local currencies. 

In the fourth quarter of 2010 sales generated by the restaurants in Europe amounted to PLN 351.0 million and in the USA PLN 162.3 million.

Preliminary sales revenues in the whole 2010 amounted to PLN 2 018.5 million.

Legal act:
Art. 56 Sec. 1.1. Act on public offering and conditions of introducing financial instruments to the organized trading system and on public companies dated July 29th 2005

Sales revenues Q4 2010
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