RB 15/2007 Disclosure of shareholding

The Management Board of AmRest Holdings N.V. announces that on 10 May 2007 it was notified that as a result of a share sale transaction settled on 7 May 2007, the customers of BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. became holders of a total of 528,535 shares in AmRest Holdings N.V., which constitutes 3.92% of the Company’s initial capital and entitles them to 528,535 votes, i.e. 3.92% of the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting.


Prior to the transaction, BZ WBK AIB Asset Management S.A. customers held a total of 697,255 shares in AmRest Holdings N.V., which constituted 5.16% of the Company’s initial capital and entitled them to a total of 697,255 votes, i.e. 5.16% of the total number of votes at the Company’s General Meeting.



Legal act:

Art. 70 ust. 1 Ustawy o ofercie publicznej z dnia 29 lipca 2005r.